My family is my most treasured item. My beautiful girl, gorgeous boy and spunky hubby mean the world to me. I know that without anything else in the world, with no earthly possessions, I would still have everything as long as I had them.
I've been with Brendon since I was 18, got married at 22 and here we are 18 years later still going strong. Yep, we've had our ups and downs but he's still the one!
Jordan is 13 this year and the light of my life and bane of my existence all rolled into one. Sometimes I look at her and realise I am in for a world of pain watching her grow up, trying to keep her on the reasonably straight and narrow. A dear friend, we'll call him D, once told me when Jordan was 10, that I was in trouble in the next few years. He wasn't wrong. She is gorgeous, intelligent, curvy and has legs that go up to her shoulders. Thankfully she is also well-grounded, confident and has a good group of friends around her.
Hayden is 10. He is precocious, far too intelligent and loves his sport. At the moment it's soccer, but he also loves to watch Aussie Rules, Cricket and anything else that involves Saturday afternoons with Dad in front of the tv. Thankfully he hasn't grown out of a love of cuddles, and will often plant himself in my lap for a chat and a big squeeze for his mum.
My family is my life. But there is still time for just me. There has to be. That's what keeps me balanced and let's me enjoy the time I do spend with them!
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