Monday, April 11, 2011

Day 21 - A picture of something you wish you could forget

There are a lot of things that I would like to be able to forget.  But so many of those things we'd like to repress deep in the psyche are actually things that have shaped us and made us the people we are today, so I often wonder if I had the ability to forget, how would I change as a person not learning from one of those experiences.

So the thing I'd like to forget is much simpler.  Why forget this?  Cos I felt so totally embarrassed for the poor bloke.  I mean, ok so you like the girl and she likes you, but couch jumping Tom?  Really?

It was wrong on so many levels.  Worst of all, it felt staged.  I really don't like the man.  And this moment did nothing to dispell that feeling.  So if I could just forget the moment ever happened, I don't think this would change my life in any way.  Repress, repress, repress!

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